Forbidden Doctor: Revealing Forbidden Health Secrets!

The Healing Triad [Episode #3]



Learn how you can turn your immune system on and turn it on powerfully. In today’s episode we reveal to you the elements that create the Healing Triad. A unique combination of whole food supplements that will keep colds and the flu in your past. Mother nature is prepared to fight the fight- she even has a back up plan! Everything we need to heal ourselves is available to us, we just don’t know about it. Listen now as we reveal these forbidden secrets to you.  What We Talk About:  Learn forbidden information about something called the Triad, and how you can build your immune system instead waiting for a virus to hit you. E. coli, Ebola and other scary viruses... learn why we should be able to live in a world with  the viruses and bacteria and fungi and everything that is attacking us.  The only thing you’re told is to wash your hands and to wait for the vaccine. Medical school: what is forbidden, what is not known and why it’s called a practice. Discuss the collusion that exists between the medical people and