Forbidden Doctor: Revealing Forbidden Health Secrets!

Power Up Your Immune System So You Won't Get Ebola [Episode #5]



We all come into this great big world as tiny little babies—helpless, really, and completely dependent on our mothers to care for us, feed us, and keep us safe.  And as babies in the womb, our guts—as well as everything else—are completely sterile.  We are blank slates.  The process of acclimating to our surroundings is so beautifully complex, so wonderfully crafted.  Let’s take a look at that today as we marvel at the immune system and where it really all begins.   As we travel through the birth canal, we receive our first natural inoculation, collecting some of our mother’s flora—good or bad—in our eyes, ears, mouth.  That flora, which makes up about 85% of our immune system, to a large degree, determines our future health.  Those microbes and antibodies set up shop inside the walls of our gut as they pass through, and we have now begun the process of becoming one with the world, never to be completely sterile again.   Weary from life’s first major excursion, it’s time for a drink.  Now it is important to n