Forbidden Doctor: Revealing Forbidden Health Secrets!

Does Nature Prefer Girls Over Boys? [Episode #8]



Survival of the Fittest?  Not So Fast, Darwin!   Zoologists tell us that 98-99% of life that has existed on this planet is now extinct, due to environment, nutrition, and a number of factors outside our control.  It’s called “survival of the fittest,” and thanks to a guy named Darwin and his On The Origin Of Species, we tend to take these kinds of sweeping generalizations to heart, even when it comes to the human race. “As early as 2050, one out of two children will be considered autistic.”   “50% of newlyweds, by 2020, will be infertile.”   These are some very serious predictions, folks, and I do believe they beg some attention.  And yet, I’d like to propose that Darwin doesn’t have to have the last word in the matter.   While the animal kingdom does seem to be ruled to some extent by natural selection, human beings have an innate, higher intelligence, which allows us to collect and absorb information in the form of knowledge or wisdom, and then the power to choose whether to appropriately act on that inform