Burky And Badger's Board Game Babble Show

Ep.41. D&D is the Daddy? w/ Alessandro Pra



We are going to delve into some dungeon crawling games and babble with Alessandro Pra, from Horrible games about their new game "Alone" coming to Kickstarter on the 2nd of May 2017 ***What we've been up to?*** 1:30 Spoils of war video Stressing Game Topper Rib Fest Kickstarters Mail spot ***Things that make us go Hmmm!*** 11:25 Steve Jackson Games picker up Port Royal.  Chimera kickstarter Dark Souls rating BOX OPENINGS!!!! ***Hello Horrible Game and Alessandro Pra*** 21:41 We chat to Alessandro about the Horrible Games past and future. And more importantly about their new game Alone ***What game is behind the door*** 33:35 Game show quiz featuring our guest to find out what game they have just bought, the game they most want and the game they love. ***The Babble*** 1:02:15 Alone is a dungeon crawl game, as we have heard from Alessandro, with a twist. And kickstarter is throwing more and more of them at us with every pass month. We will talk about what is the draw to this genre? Is D&D the daddy? Is