Burky And Badger's Board Game Babble Show

Board Game Babble 78 - Back the comeback w/ Stephen Buonocore



***Welcome to Stephen Buonocore*** 3:30 ***What’s up in Babblot*** 6:40 BGG picks up Table Top Event Lots of virtual conventions Happy hour at the Stronghold Normality!!! ***Sponsor break*** 26:58 The latest game from Arcane Wonders ***What game is behind the door*** 38:33 Our quiz show section, where we quiz our guest, Stephen Bonocoure  in our dungeon, about games. Can you guess what the answers before us? ***Sponsor break*** 1:07:41 Late pledge on a Game Topper ***The Babble*** 1:15:36 Lockdown is being lifted. Economy is in the process of being fixed. What is the next steps in this new world of the board game (apart from a number of Covid titles). Stephen Buonocore talks us through how we can help the industry come back from a global slump --------------------------------------- You can find us at Board Game Theater page for all episodes and Board Games Everybody Should... Like us on Facebook, Twitter or our guild on  Board Game Geek 2248 Big Thanks to Arcane Wonders and Game Toppers for their support.