Burky And Badger's Board Game Babble Show

Board Game Babble #81 - Classic Games with Jamey Stegmaier



Joining us live from our dungeon, was Jamey Stegmaier. Watch him suffer the interrogation of games that he likes and looking forward to receiving. As well as babbling about what makes a "classic game" and will list off some of our classic titles. ***What’s up in Babblot*** 3:50 Game Toppers fulfillment nearly finished Respect of Dungeon Masters Sound design is crazy   ***Peoples Poll*** 8:55  What kind of gaming enthusiast are you?   Sponsor break*** 13:55 Freedom Five, latest game from Arcane Wonders Smartphone Inc giveaway    ***Things that make the king go Hmmm!*** 16:15 Movies being delayed, but are movie related games?    ***Sponsor break*** 24:40 New mats coming to Game Topper   ***What game is behind the door?*** 36:35 Our quiz show section, where we quiz our guest, Jamey Stegmaier in our dungeon, about games. Can you guess what the answers before us?   ***The Babble*** 54:24 What makes a game classic and what games will we     --------------------------------------- You can find us at Board Game The