Work Life Play With Aaron Mchugh

Don't Do It For Fame | Don't Neglect Your Relationships Episode #43



Don't Do It For Fame | Don't Neglect Your Relationships 03 // Don't do it to pursue fame. I find this one to be difficult. The truth is I do want to be noticed. Behind that shallow layer of hoping I’m seen, the deeper truth is I want my life to matter. When I am writing, the pursuit of fame can surface with its natural gravitational pull. Here is how it can sound, “Maybe so-and-so will read this and then he will share it and then his six million followers will read it”. It is a bit embarrassing to admit, but I believe you’ve heard this whisper also. When I was writing with my focus on being noticed, it was crap. No wonder no one read any of it. When I made the shift to simply be authentic, a few people began to notice. There is great irony in this principle. The more we are authentic and relevant, the more the possibility of being noticed increases. When the pursuit of fame is our motive, the less authentic and relatable we become. Whatever you are pursuing, do a motive check and remind yourself that what the