Messy Imperfect Life With Leigh Koechner

#5 - Mariel Hemingway



Holy hell I have never seen legs like hers. She has one of the most radiant spirits I have ever seen. I met Mariel in a green room. I knew her family name and her fame, but I hadn’t experienced her heart. We connected that day and have kept in touch ever since. I am blessed to share the renaissance woman,  Mariel Hemingway, with you today. She is not only an iconic Academy Award nominated actor from a celebrated family, she is a prolific author, adventurist, eco activist, healthy lifestyle and mental health advocate, a yoga video star, an entrepreneur and a much sought after speaker focused on mind-body-spirit optimization and purposeful living. I don't know if that was enough descriptive words to get all of who she is. Enjoy Mariel Hemingway!!!!