Messy Imperfect Life With Leigh Koechner

#10 - Leigh



People keep asking me why they have to wait for my unleash your messy imperfect life workshop October 18-20 to work with me. I am happy to report You Don’t! Let’s get this party started May 14.  Click here to save $$$ by purchasing all 4 virtual workshops. Each 1 hr workshop feeds into the next    Vision Boarding (getting your desire out of your head and into your world) May 14 12-1pm pst Where we will nail down what the ultimate looks like in each area of your life. Money, Career, Relationships, Travel, whatever is important to you. Once you sign up I will send you a document of what you need to prepare before our 1st Vision Boarding Session.  Start boarding now    Ideal Scene  May 28th 12-1 pm pst  The Vision board leads into the second hour of creating an ideal scene. We will take one area from your vision board and create an ideal scene around it. Then I will give you one action step to begin bringing it from the board toreality. get deeper in here   Bust Your Limiting Belief June 11th 12-1 pm pst  Th