Messy Imperfect Life With Leigh Koechner

# 20 - Leigh Solo #2



One of the best lessons I have learned & embraced during my time on this planet besides forgiveness is surrender. I usually surrender when I am on my knees and can no longer handle what I have been trying to do, when I am so worn out i have no where else to go. My desire is that the times between my knees and surrender are shorter and shorter.   When you move from your head to your heart, trust the process, and let go the worry, you allow something greater than yourself to step in . When i have done this things turned out better than i could have ever imagined.    Surrender is the greatest gift to give yourself.  It might feel scary and uncomfortable at first, but it is absolutely worth it! This podcast is all about surrender; how I learned to do it, what happened when I did, and the magic that came.