Messy Imperfect Life With Leigh Koechner

# 27 - Whitney Ullom



I met Whitney Ullom at her breath class in Studio City. It was my first time experiencing it. She sat up there with her beautiful petite earthsuit and shining spiritual eyes. She had us close our eyes and follow her breathing. What I experienced was incredible. It was as if I was on acid or drugs and the colors and vibrations I experienced were magical. When it was over I felt i must share that there is so much out there that is available to us to pull power from. We don’t have to just walk around being human and normal. Let’s be extraordinary. I asked her to be on my podcast and this is it. Women this is a must watch / listen. Men you can learn a lot about a woman from this podcast (and yourself). If we follow what she says… we would be a happier Hominina tribe. Whitney Ullom is a sexuality coach for creative women. Ms. Ullom is originally from South Dakota and made a huge move to Los Angeles to pursue film and television but now not only is she doing that, but also helping women embrace all of their bodies