Messy Imperfect Life With Leigh Koechner

# 32 - Suzy Prudden



Suzy Prudden is a fireball. She speaks her mind and has lived an incredibly full life doing in one lifetime what most people would do in 10.  She is the co-founder of Itty Bitty Publishing and has an amazing life story with greats like Oprah, Deepak Chopra, and Louise Hay. She created the life she wanted by saying yes as she went. I really dig her.    SUZY, co-founder of Itty Bitty™ Publishing made her stage debut in a dance recital at the age of two as the lead elephant in a long line of two-years old in a rendition of “The Circus.” It was love at first performance. Suzy never again saw a stage she didn’t want to be on – preferably in the center. At 22, Suzy started a fitness and toddler program at her home – following her mother Bonnie Prudden’s sage advice to “keep ‘em busy” – she founded Suzy Prudden Studios – the first, largest and most successful toddler exercise school in New York City. That school, which branched out into gymnastics and women’s exercise, took her t