Trent Voices

Dr. Jane Heffernan: Expert in Disease Modelling and Mathematical Edipemiology/Immunology



In a special preview of the alumni flagship publication, TRENT Magazine is presenting a feature audio interview with expert in disease modelling and mathematical edipemiology and immunology, and Trent alumna, Dr. Jane Heffernan. The conversation, which touches on such current hot-button issues as COVID variants and vaccination, proved so timely that the magazine worked with the Trent Voices podcast to release the interview in an online audio format. As one of Canada’s leading mathematicians and a director with the Centre for Disease Modelling at York University, Dr. Heffernan’s highly regarded research focuses on the spread and persistence of infectious diseases. As with many of her research colleagues across Canada and around the globe, her focus over the past year has been dedicated almost exclusively to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. Dr. Heffernan is an associate professor in the York University Faculty of Science/Department of Mathematics & Statistics and York Research Chair (Tier II), Multi-