Astrology Bytes With Theresa Reed

Sun Through the Houses in the Natal Chart



Episode 125. Today we’re starting to look at the planets in the houses on the natal chart. I’ll give brief descriptions of possible interpretations for each planet in upcoming episodes. Once we’ve gone through every planet through the natal chart, we’ll start looking at planetary transits through the houses. We’ll begin this part of the series by talking about the Sun Through the Houses in the Natal Chart. When you read the horoscopes in a magazine, they are focused on the Sun sign. The Sun represents your basic personality. This is your ego and your vital life force. It’s “you”  at your core. There are twelve houses in the natal chart. You can go back to older episodes to learn about the attributes of each house. Where the Sun lands in your natal chart shows where you can shine brightly. This is where your power lies and where you can express yourself fully. 1st: The Sun in the first house indicates a warm, magnetic personality. You can be a leader. People are drawn to you. However, you’ll need to keep