Practice You With Elena Brower

Episode 18: Eddie Stern



On prioritizing the behaviors that lead to awakening. On the kindnesses, and the softening. On breathing as physiological healing. Length: 58:29 Timecodes: 0:45 One simple thing. Overcoming the divided self. Our untapped potential. 2:54 Hierarchies in yoga. The unknown. Yoga is a practice of knowing who you are. Listening so we know what to do. 6:52 Reading Siddhartha at 15. Who am I? What am I doing here? What do I do next? Self-referral. 9:35 Being established in your awareness. 10:28 Listening and prioritizing. 12:42 Eight limbs of yoga as responsibilities. Spontaneous behavior of an awakened person. 17:20 Distracted mind is not a bad thing. 18:00 The energy that is watching. 20:25 Reorganization of the brain and yoga poses. 24:24 Eddie’s daily practice. 24:52 Breath as the easiest way to move inwards. Resonance Breathing. Nostril Breathing. The Breathing App 35:06 Strengthening and balancing the nervous system. 40:21 It is actually hard to be kind and peaceful. Why we need these practices. 41:55 The Vagus