Inspired Choices ~ With Christine Mciver, Possibilities Coach

Which Body Image Is Real?~ Special Guest Donnielle Carter



Inspired Choices with Christine McIver  Is the way you see yourself really what you look like? So often we are our harshest critic. Not only in our heads but also in the mirror. Can what you think and say about yourself change how you see yourself in the mirror or photos? What you say creates. Join host Christine McIver as she speaks with Donnielle Carter about this very sensitive and important topic, Body Image.  This conversation will be intriguing and one you will not want to miss if you have ever struggled with your body and your body image. Donnielle Carter is on a mission to assist people to change how they interact, view and be with their bodies.  She spent most of her life ignoring and judging her body despite her unique background of TV & Radio and being educated in nutrition and holistic approaches to healing and changing bodies.  Donnielle is an international speaker and the spokesperson for Access Consciousness’ Right Body for You™ and a major contributor to the Best-Selling book, Right Body for Y