Reach Or Miss

Ep. 220 – Ronny Leber created entrepreneurship around what he loves doing and tells entrepre-neurs: “the only limit is your own imagination.”



Ronny Leber has been able to contribute to countless award winning events for over a decade. He has been on stage in front of more than 5 million people all over the world while working with some of the biggest brands in the world. Ronny loves to transform others by making them shine on stage and helping them to shape their own legacy. Besides working as a legacy coach Ronny is a multilingual tv & event-host and a keynote speaker.   Most passionate about I have the opportunity and the privilege, to be a host, commentator, and moderator on TV, and I love it. I'm absolutely enjoying it and I'm very passionate about it. Ronny’s career and story I want to work at events that bring the whole world together. It was back in 2008 when I had those thoughts. At the same time—as a coincidence, in a way—a professional soccer team from Vienna was looking for somebody to host the youth teams’ games, like, once a month on a Saturday afternoon. Through some friends who were working there, they asked me. I said, “Wel