Lets Ask The Angels!

Archangel Messages for the Solstice: Be a blazing light!



Welcome to my show  Let's Ask the Angels on Blogtalk Radio! I am your host, Barbara Calvano, Angel  Intuitive and Lifer Coach of  www.bcalvanocoaching.com Join me for my next  LIVE show  June  21st  Monday at 4pm ET, 1pm PT.   ARCHANGEL MESSAGES FOR THE SOLSTICE: Be a blazing light! This week I was guided to  share from the Archangel Oracle Cards by Diana Cooper. Call in for a FREE reading, life coaching and energy clearing at 424-675-6837. I will be sharing the upcoming  messages for the week and be  taking your listener calls for readings. NEXT ANGEL CIRCLE: a FREE ZOOM event is on June 24th at 7pm ET, 4pm PT. Here is the link to register: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0sc-mprT4vE9NqcTk3HPDoyrOI_Zs7YkNi  After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. To book a personal session with me by phone, Skype, Facetime, Zoom and  in person bcalvano-coaching@usa.net