Courageous Fit Female With Jaclyn Castro

95: Working Out For a Post-Pandemic Body? What Does It Profit You? 3 Questions to Ask Yourself.



Are you feeling the pressure to work out hard towards getting a post-pandemic body? You know... “upgrading” your body so that it looks acceptable to the world and to other people? If you do, then this episode is for YOU! I have 3 questions for you to pray through and respond to. Are you working out for a post-pandemic body? What does it profit you? You’re gonna need a clean sheet of paper, a good pen, and an open heart for this one. Press play!! In Christ, Jaclyn ************* Need accountability touching on fitness, food, or faith? (It’s okay if you need all three!) Together we will create a practical health plan making certain to keep Jesus at the center. Email me to book your first coaching session OR ask me for my coaching menu! STEP 1: Email me at  (Subject line: Coaching with Jaclyn OR Coaching Menu) STEP 2: Wait for my email reply for your next steps! That’s it! STILL NOT SURE IF COACHING WITH ME IS RIGHT FOR YOU? Answer these questions… Worn out from using diet or work