Cook With Me

S1E58: Dr. Nicola's Favorite Merguez Recipe



S1E58: Dr. Nicola's Favorite Merguez Recipe Recipe: Moroccan Merguez Sausage with Mint, Dates & Zucchini Noodles (Feeds 2) Get full ingredient lists Sunday mornings, plus calorie and macronutrient counts for all CWM recipes, on my Patreon page! For tonight's recipe, you'll need: EQUIPMENT: lg pan, sharp knife, cutting board BASICS: pepper, olive oil MEAT: 1lb ground Italian sausage PRODUCE: 2 zucchinis, 10 fresh mint leaves, 10 pitted dates CANS & JARS: none :) DRY & PACKAGED: none :) ADD'L SEASONINGS: Merguez seasoning blend (cayenne, paprika, cumin, coriander, black pepper)