Impossible Podcast With Joel Runyon

4: Akshay Nanavati



Akshay Nanvati is a former Marine, and founder of Fearvana. He's currently attempting to run across every country on earth (he's 8 down). We talk how he went from deep into drugs to the Marines to founding Fearvana and adventuring around the world.Support The ShowLeave a Review on■ iTunes■ Stitcher■ Google PlayFollow = @existing2livingIMPOSSIBLE NetworkIMPOSSIBLE HQIMPOSSIBLE.orgIMPOSSIBLE PodcastCold Shower Therapy.Cold Showers. 5 minutes. 30 days. Change your mindset. CHange your life.Course => ColdShowerTherapy.comApp => App - Your personal mobility coach.Get stronger, recover faster, and feel better in less than 15 minutes/ Updates on Social MediaIMPOSSIBLE@IMPOSSIBLEHQ on Instagram@IMPOSSIBLEHQ on TwitterIMPOSSIBLE HQ on FacebookJOEL RUNYON@JoelRunyon on Twitter@JoelRunyon on Instagram