Impossible Podcast With Joel Runyon

32: "One Question To Ask Yourself" (2018 Annual Review)



As 2019 kicks off, it's not too late to do your annual review. In this year's annual review, I asked myself on slightly different question heading into 2019. The ShowLeave a Review oniTunesStitcherGoogle PlaySpotifyWe're helping 10,000 people do something IMPOSSIBLE and Start A Blog at StartABlog.comIMPOSSIBLE GEAR – – Save 10% with promo code: PODCAST IMPOSSIBLE NetworkIMPOSSIBLE HQ (blog)IMPOSSIBLE Gear (apparel)IMPOSSIBLE Podcast (podcast) (philanthropy) MoveWell App – Your personal mobility coach.Get stronger, recover faster, and feel better in less than 15 minutes/day.Free to download => Get Updates on Social MediaIMPOSSIBLE@IMPOSSIBLEHQ on Instagram@IMPOSSIBLEHQ on TwitterIMPOSSIBLE HQ on Facebook JOEL RUNYON@JoelRunyon on Twitter@JoelRunyon on Instagram