Steve Forbes: What's Ahead

S1E17: How Robots Will Free Us To Pursue Our Passions: John Tamny



First up, Steve talks baseball trading and Hong Kong protests heating up.Then, John Tamny, political economy editor at, editor of RealClearPolitics and author of The End of Work: Why Your Passion Can Become Your Job, says the belief that robots and automation will erase millions of jobs today, is misguided. Instead, Tamny argues these advances promise to positively change the very nature of work, beget jobs never before imagined and ultimately unleash creativity. Hear Tamny share his thoughts on how robots will liberate us to do the work we love and drive prosperity -- and, why college football players should major in college ball. Lastly, Steve's "Read of the Week" are two magazine articles. The first is by James Grant in the Wall Street Journal called, "The Fed Could Use A Golden Rule." The other is by our guest, John Tamny on, called, "Meet El Salvador, Slayer of Keynesian and Monetarist Mysticism."