2 Many Flix

Astronautica: A World Premiere Sneak Peek!



Hello movie buffs, nerds, and general humans alike! And happy Pride Month to all of you beautiful LGBTQ folx out there! We are so glad that you've stopped in. Unfortunately our general episodes as well as the conclusion to our inaugural round of Ani-May has to be put on a brief hold due to some technical difficulties . But fret not! In the stead of our regularly scheduled programming, we have for you a sneak peek at something the whole team has been working on for some months now. Titled Astronautica, this is an actual play ttrpg podcast that uses the Coriolis game system. You can expect this wild sci-fi adventure, full of laughs and brimming with darkness, to be hitting your feeds this summer/fall. We will be back soon with our regular movie centric content, but in the meantime enjoy this sneak peek at the first half of Astronautica S1 E1. Make your voice heard! Please Consider Donating to: Campaign Zero NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund Black Lives Matter Donation Page Stop AAPI Hate 68 Ways to Sup