Inspired Choices ~ With Christine Mciver, Possibilities Coach

You Know Much More Than You Acknowledge ~ Christine McIver



Inspired Choices with Christine McIver  Have you ever considered how much you actually know that you've been ignoring?  Yes we ignore our own awareness and knowledge.  And when we do that, we most certainly do not acknowledge how much we know.  The cost of not acknowledging what you really know could be the very currency holding you back from your asks and desires. Join Christine McIver, Strategic Business Coach in this show where she will discuss this important topic and inspire you to action within yourself. *Listen now on the Inspired Choices Network app! Strategic Business Package Bust Doubt Out: UpYourAsk 2.0: *Listen now on the Inspired Choices Network app! ~ More About Inspired Choices with Christine McIver ~  Christine McIver is a Business Strategist Coach, Inspirationa