Lean Blog Interviews

Ruthie Davis & Steve Cook on "Do The Right Thing"



Joining me for episode #227 are Ruthie Davis and Stephen Cook, talking about the book that they edited, Do the Right Thing: Real Life Stories of Leaders Facing Tough Choices.' Episode page: https://www.leanblog.org/227  While this episode isn't focused on Lean, per se, I think you'll enjoy the discussion and I highly recommend the book, which highlights the role of ethics and integrity in leadership… hence “doing the right thing” and being a great leader who others chose to follow. The book is inspired by the life and lessons of Don Davis, who served as CEO of Stanley Works (now Stanley Black & Decker) from 1966 to 1988. After retiring as CEO, Don volunteered to teach a leadership seminar for the MIT Leaders for Global Operations program, which I was fortunate to take as a student there. You can read his obituary here. Ruthie is Don's daughter and Steve was, like me, a student of Don's at MIT, so they combined their efforts to publish a compilation of compelling stories from Don's students about real