Christ Church Bartlett

Overview of the Seven Seals



Session 13 — Overview of the 7 Seals [Revelation 6] — April 18, 2021 I. There is only one scroll, sealed with 7 seals, which means that the entire prophecy is contained within the scroll. II. Scripture uses the natural process of labor pains as the primary prophetic pattern to describe the last days. III.The LORD instructed Daniel to seal up his vision and prophecy until the appointed time of the end. IV.The opening of the 7 Seals provides critical details about Daniel’s 70th week – or the final 7 years of this age. V. While the first 6 seals provide the big picture of Daniel’s 70th week, the tearing of the 7th seal unravels the rest of the scroll to reveal specific details. VI. The Four Horsemen are supernatural powers that will be released upon the whole earth by the LORD to bring His purposes to an end. Personal Application ➡ READ — Read Revelation 6 and outline the 6 Seals. ➡ PRAY — Continue to search the Scriptures and pray for ears to hear and a mind to understand. ➡ CHOOSE — Choose this day whom you wi