Jacky Winter Gives You The Business

072 - Special Corvid Launch Episode



Join us for the very last episode of Season 5! This week on a very special episode of JWGYTB we’re talking everything Corvid - our brand new venture into creative project management. As we do once a month we’re taking a trip over to New York to have a chat with North American agent and producer Bianca Bramham! Remember! We are now an ENHANCED podcast. That's right - If you listen to our podcast in Overcast or Pocket Casts, or Castro, you can get super special images, links, and chapter breaks in your player while you listen. Featured links from our discussion - Want to get these in your inbox every Friday? Sign up for our text-only tinyletter at tinyletter.com/jackywinter Corvid BFF https://letsbff.co/ Corv.id https://www.corv.id/ Desert X https://www.desertx.org/ Who is Michael Ovitz? https://www.penguinrandomhouse.com/books/311042/who-is-michael-ovitz-by-michael-ovitz/9781591845546/ Stone the crows! Could corvids be Australia’s smartest export? http://theconversation.com/stone-the-crows-could-corvids-be-a