Jacky Winter Gives You The Business

078 - Happy 23rd Birthday Symphony



This week! We’re going through our open tabs and will be discussing the question of multiple styles, how to draw a startup, and why you might be attracting bad clients. As we do once a month, we’re strapping on some blade and taking the longest land-bridge ice skating tour over to New York where we are joined by North American managing agent and producer Bianca Bramham. Remember! We are now an ENHANCED podcast. That's right - If you listen to our podcast in Overcast or Pocket Casts, or Castro, you can get super special images, links, and chapter breaks in your player while you listen. Featured links from our discussion - Want to get these in your inbox every Friday? Sign up for our text-only tinyletter at tinyletter.com/jackywinter Intro JW swag bags https://www.instagram.com/p/BwWMlUegvjz/ Lara Meg Robichaud’s Tweet https://twitter.com/MegDraws/status/1113627435881254912?s=20 You Can’t Just Draw Purple People and Call it Diversity https://ux.shopify.com/you-cant-just-draw-purple-people-and-call-it-diversit