Jacky Winter Gives You The Business

102 - Lost Episode Explanation / End Of Season 8



Before we get into it – I have two sad things to announce. The first is that this is the last episode of season 8. And what a season it’s been! We’ve learned a lot, and we hope you guys have too.The second thing, which is significantly sadder, is that this short recording you’re hearing today is not what we originally had planned as our season closer. In fact, a few weeks ago we recorded a wonderful interview with a brilliant music producer, Dave McClain, while he was visiting here from New York. Now look, there’s only one way to put what happened next… something fucked up. We don’t know what, who, how or why, but the audio file from that interview was completely ruined. We’ve spent a long time trying to recover it, but the tech gods were not looking out for us. My guess is that Jeremy secretly sabotaged it so I wouldn’t outshine him. All we know is that the interview is gone, Dave is back in New York, and with Jeremy and I both about to take off on summer holidays, there isn’t a huge lot we can do.Except! We