Christ Church Bartlett

Session 10: The Church at Laodicea (Revelation 3:14-22)



Session 10 — The Church at Laodicea [Revelation 3:14-22] — March 21, 2021 I. When we become spiritually lukewarm and useless, we literally make God want to vomit! II. The desire to get rich plunges us into ruin and blinds us of our need for God! III.Total commitment to follow Christ – though costly – will always leave us completely satisfied in the end. IV.Only two things in this world last forever – the Word of God and the souls of men. V. God disciplines those whom He loves as a father disciplines his son. VI. Those who are wise will stay awake and be ready for the Lord when He returns. VII. The prosperity gospel perverts the Word of God, appeals to the carnal nature of man, and denies the cost of discipleship. VIII.Those who overcome in Christ forever will reign with Him have a place at the table of the King. Personal Application ➡ Abide in Christ — your Source or life — and remain useful. ➡ Count the cost to follow Christ and believe He is worth it! ➡ Store your treasures in heaven by investing