Rude Tudors

53-The Pirate Queen of Ireland



Have you heard of Grace O'Malley, the Irish pirate queen? Though ignored by chronicles and official histories, O'Malley's legend lives on poems, music, and romance novels. As the only woman on record as having a leadership role with her clan in 16th-century Gaelic Ireland, O'Malley's history jumps out of the shadows as this episode explores this important figure during a time of serious political upheaval. Though vilified by the English as manly, O'Malley defied gender roles and expectations as she defended her piracy and and fought for her family's ancestral lands. In doing so, she courted the understanding and favor of Queen Elizabeth herself. Join literary historian Liz Rodriguez and comic actress Nicole Keating as they get to the root of the following questions: What was the state of Ireland during the time that O'Malley lived? How was she able to become a leader in her clan and on her ships? What kinds of capers & hijinks did she get involved in? Contact us on Facebook, Twitter,, and