Petra Podcast

The Christian & Finances



First Timothy is a letter from a spiritual father to his son. It is a letter from a mature leader to a young leader, a mentor to an apprentice. Paul is writing to Timothy to instruct him on how to lead the believers in Ephesus. That’s what this letter is. So, in chapter one Paul instructs Timothy to teach certain men to stop teaching strange doctrines, chapter he tells Timothy how to instruct believers regarding prayer, chapter 3 he tells Timothy what character traits to look for in new leaders, chapter 4 he instructs Timothy to read the scriptures publicly and to exhort and teach, chapter 5 he give Timothy practical instructions about how to care for the poor among the believers. This brings us to chapter 6, our text for today. Here in chapter 6 Paul tells Timothy how to instruct followers of Jesus in regards to money. How believers should think about money and use their money, and this morning this is our purpose as well. Now you will see in this text, that right in the middle Paul leaves the topic of m