Christ Church Bartlett

Session 5 — The Church at Smyrna [Revelation 2:8-11]



Session 5 — The Church at Smyrna [Revelation 2:8-11] — February 14, 2021 I. God the Son had to take on flesh as a man to suffer and die as an atoning sacrifice for our sin. [Isaiah 53] II. Jew hatred is the essence of the spirit of antichrist. III.God will keep His promises to save a remnant of the Jews and restore the fortunes of Israel when Jesus returns.[Ezekiel 37:15-28] IV.God promises that Christians will suffer tribulation in this world and encourages us to remain faithful, even unto death. V. God will reward faithful stewards with imperishable crowns in the kingdom. VI. Those who are born once will die twice and those who are born twice will only die once! Personal Application ➡ Have you been born again? Are you secure in Christ? ➡ Continue to prepare for increased persecution and coming tribulation in this hostile culture ➡ Pray faithfully for the persecuted church