Christ Church Bartlett

Session 7 — The Church at Thyatira



Session 7 — The Church at Thyatira [Revelation 2:18-29] — February 28, 2021 I. Jezebel was a pagan priestess and wicked queen of Israel, who led the entire kingdom to worship Baal and his consort Ashtoreth. [1 Kings 16-21] II. The Jezebel spirit despises authority and primarily uses the arts of sexual seduction to gain total control over men in positions of power and influence. III.Passive leaders who elevate and prioritize “tolerance” above truth are easy targets for the Jezebel spirit. IV.God is grieved when we misrepresent Him and His name and there are serious consequences when we fail to repent. V. God’s people cannot tolerate sin in attempting to coexist in this wicked and perverse generation, no matter what it costs! VI.To the overcomer in Christ, God will grant authority to rule and reign in His coming kingdom. Personal Application ➡ Repent of our immoralities and idolatry before it’s too late. ➡ Pray for your leaders and pastors that we would be courageous and vigilant in protecting our families and