Christ Church Bartlett

Session 8 - The Church at Sardis



Session 8 — The Church at Sardis [Revelation 3:1-6] — March 7, 2021 I. We all by nature are born spiritually dead and powerless apart from Christ and His free gift of eternal life. II. True saving faith always will be completed by works and expressed in love for the least of these. III.The Day of the LORD will come like a thief in the night to surprise only those who are not spiritually alive, awake and ready for His return. IV.Although no one knows the exact day or hour of the Lord’s coming, we can and should know when His return is very near. V. When we believe in Jesus and are justified, God clothes us with the righteousness of Christ. VI.Many churches maintain the appearance of godliness while denying the true power of God and robbing Him of His glory. VII.It is infinitely better to stand alone with Jesus and be judged by the world than to to stand with the world and be judged alone by Jesus. Personal Application ➡ Has the life of Jesus Christ transformed you from death to life? ➡ Wake up church and repen