Miracles Everywhere W/rev. Wayne Stills

Ep. 20: On Love - Valentine's Day



Ep. 20: On Love - Valentine's Daywith Rev. Wayne StillsRecorded February 14th, 2014Points Rev. Wayne made:•In reference to his relationship with his wife and the following can be with any relationship.•Communicate directly with the other person in the relationship always.•Do not draw others into squabbles and create separate camps. Don’t talk to your mother/parents, family or friends. Talk with one another about the issue at hand.•Trust will grow by doing so and Holy Spirit will grow.•Get past the little things.•Do not give up on your relationships, ever.•We can never “strike out” in our relationships except by choice, just like batters in a baseball game. They never choose to “strike out”.•Trust won’t happen if we are bogged down in petty issues.•Allow love to grow.•Original “Rocky” movie. It’s about winning everything. Love is everything. God.•Love is omnipresent. Love every moment.•The ego likes to jab us in the face.•Never give up. Never give up on yourself. Never give up on your relationship. Never give