Company Of One With Dale Callahan

131: Overwhelmed at Work? How to Eliminate, Delegate, and Automate Your Work [Podcast]



Overwhelmed at work? You have to learn to eliminate, delegate, and automate. I know what you are thinking... Eliminate? What can I stop doing? It all has to be done. Delegate? To who? Automate? I do not have time (or the skill) to do that. Really. Then why do some people, who are busy like you, seem to get more done? Come on - you know some of them just like I do. The number one issue professionals talk about is being overwhelmed. Too much to do, to little time, and new stuff coming every minute. What a hassle. Today we will look at a simple process for getting clarity and then getting busy fixing what is broke by eliminating, delegating, and automating some (or all) of our work. No need to be a victim - Take control and fix it. >> [01:56] Overwhelm is not a fix it once and done problem. Like cleaning out the closet, you have to continually revisit. >> [03:53] Meetings. We can't just stop doing them, we just need to eliminate some and make the others more effective. And more effective does not always