Company Of One With Dale Callahan

173: How to Further Your Career During the COVID-19 Crisis [Podcast]



How can you further your career during the COVID crisis? Or put another way, how can you use the crisis to grow? While there are many people who are out of work or on limited hours, the separation and time warp we are living in has pushed us all to do some things differently. Besides wearing masks, washing our hands, and social distancing - this crisis should be giving us some new unexpected skills and some new perspective.  So can you use this time to further your career during the COVID-19 crisis? I think so. In fact, if you pay attention, you might already be enhancing your skills. How to Further Your Career During the COVID-19 Crisis 1. Think Strategically Rethink the goal. Where will you be in the next crisis? A bit of strategic thinking on your own career can help you strengthen your thinking muscle as you get back to work. All jobs and careers need evaluating from time to time to make sure you and your team are on track. Practice it now by thinking about where you want to be in the next 5 years. 2. Bet