Company Of One With Dale Callahan

180: How To Calculate How Valuable You Are To Your Boss [Podcast]



How to calculate how valuable you are to your boss. Sounds like a big promise? Does it sound like math? Both are true - but I can handle the promise and the math is pretty simple - so you can handle it.  While we measure value in a lot of different ways, the most powerful way to show value is by showing your financial impact to the company.  You only have two reasons for being on the payroll. To make the company money. By this I mean you directly contribute to the revenue. If you are part of bringing the product and/or service to the customer, you are about making money. If you are in sales, product development, or production (you create the product or service) or have a role interfacing with the customer, you are likely revenue-generating. To save the company money. These would be people who are making the company more efficient and profitable and possibly those who keep customers coming back. Project management, much of accounting and finance, quality, safety, or any kind of other back-office administr