World Bank Podcasts

News Highlights: The Central African Republic: Finding Peace and Prosperity after Conflict



In the Central African Republic, recovery and reconstruction after its most recent civil war will take time, political will, courage and perseverance. But there is hope. After three years of unprecedented violence and civil strife, the recent presidential elections have opened the door for a fragile peace brokering process. Now, for the first time; citizens have a democratically elected president and parliament. A 12,000 armed strong peacekeeping mission is deployed on the entire territory that is able to contain the armed groups scattered throughout the territory. Professor Faustin Archange Touadéra, President of the Central African Republic, says, "Accordingly, we plan to launch immediately a program for disarmament, demobilization, rehabilitation and repatriation of former combatants." Despite its entrenched poverty, and frail economic and social climate, the CAR’s public finances are no longer in acute crisis. Regionally, there are signs of a rebound in confidence, with the resumption of internati