Denise Wakeman

How to Boost Your Visibility with SEO to Get Better Conversion on Your Site



Adventures in Visibility | How to Boost Your Visibility with SEO to Get Better Conversion on Your Site In this episode of Adventures In Visibility I welcome my good friend and colleague, +Rich Brooks founder and president of flyte new media, to discuss search engine optimization (SEO), visibility and how to better better conversions on your site. Rich Brooks is founder and president of flyte new media, a web design and marketing firm in Portland, Maine. He is a nationally recognized speaker on entrepreneurship, Internet marketing and social media. He is currently an Expert Blogger at and a regular contributor at Rich is a founder of The Agents of Change Digital Marketing Conference, an annual conference on search, social & mobile marketing. He runs The Marketing Agents Podcast, where he interviews marketing experts from around the world on search, social & mobile marketing. On the Hangout Rich and I discuss: ~ How to discover which keywords your ideal custom