Overcoming The Gauntlet

The Declaration of Independence



As the nation celebrates Independence Day, I see it as important that we assert once again why the Colonies revolted against Great Britain, whom many saw as their national identity, took pride in and diligently sought to mend the differences before their tolerance wore out and they were compelled to reject the authoritarian actions of the King they had been loyal to before.While most of us have heard of the Declaraion and have read some of the key phrases or heard them enough to recognize certain elements, I'm not so sure that many have heard or read the entire document through. Thus as civics and history are neglected in our schools, it becomes our duty to elucidate those things which should be common knowledge amongst the population.In order to preserve the spirit of the nation which declared itself independent, we must learn the circumstances that brought our founders to the conclusions outlined in it. And so today I will read it for you so that this generation may understand and take up the mantel of nobi