Green Gab Podcast – Green Homes, Green Living And Green Companies

Spring Home Maintenance with Tina Gleisner



Tina Gleisner is back with us today for her second interview in our series on home maintenance. In her first interview, Tina spoke to us about home maintenance in general. In today's podcast, she shares more of her deep knowledge about home maintenance, and she continues to empower women, in particular, to take good care of their homes. The most important point The most important point to remember about taking care of your home is that you are the chief home organizer. This means that you don't have to do everything yourself. Your number one priority is to see that all the important things get done.  Critical jobs Certain very critical jobs need to be done in a home, that we just don't have the tools or the experience to do. So we shouldn't even attempt to do these things. Spring maintenance The focus of today's podcast is on spring maintenance because spring is a great time to do several things on the outside of your home. Many of these things will require the assistance of an expert.  Organizing your checkl