

Have you ever had a moment while travelling that makes you think about life differently? I’m talking near death experiences, things that put everything in perspective. When you can see how giant and unforgiving nature is, or how small and insignificant life is, whilst at the same time being so vast and complex, it really makes you think.   Our guest for this episode, Dr. Paul Johnson blogs at A Luxury Travel Blog, and tells us about a time he was studying for his Glaciology Phd, in one of the most unforgiving, barren areas of land in the world; Greenland, where he learnt a lot more than glaciology- he learnt about the unpredictable nature of… nature, and how he was nearly in the wrong place at the wrong time.    As always, he is accompanied by music and sounds that really allow the story to come to life and take us along the journey with Paul.   If you enjoy the show and you’re on iTunes or stitcher, please subscribe and leave us a rating and review. Being a new show, it really does help out a lot, and we d