

5 Language Learning Tips    They Probably Speak English   You are very lucky. Just by the fact that you’re comprehending this sentence, you’ve won the language lottery and speak English. Well, if you say ‘brought’ instead of ‘bought’, ‘a whole nother’ and ‘could care less’, then you’re a little behind, but don’t go worrying about that.    How many times have you studied the language of the country you’re in just before heading outside, repeating the phrase you want to ask over and over in your head so you don’t forget it, only to get the response of “Yeah, just head down this road and take a left” to your masterfully pronounced line.   Most people you’ll encounter will speak English.    However, don’t use this as your excuse. Don’t be that guy. People who speak other languages, regardless of their proficiency in English really appreciate it when you’re giving it a go. Even if you ask if you can buy seven million kilos of rice, instead of just seven (which is still a little much if you ask me), it’s the poli