

It’s Travel Tips time again! Today, Hayden gives seven tips on flying. Included among these tips are items like how you really ought to bring a sarong everywhere you go, a special place to sleep underneath Bangkok Airport, and how the person next to you on a flight can really be the best part of the journey. Hayden is also long since over his fear of flying, and knows that different people handle flying and traveling differently, so his tips are as universal as can be. Hayden wants to make sure you know to be the last one on the plane, how to avoid jet lag, and what kind of headphones would be best for you while you fly. So let’s dive in for some helpful travel tips on flying, so you can optimize your next adventure. ● 1:06 - Seven Tips on Flying ○ 1:19 - Tip #1 - Sync your sleep to avoid jet lag. ■ Of course you can sync your sleep, but what else can you get into rhythm before flying? ○ 2:54 - Tip #2 - Be the last one on the plane. ○ 4:20 - Tip #3 - Bring a sarong, or, ‘a multi-purpose Swiss-Army-material’.