Travel Stories Podcast | Stories Of Adventure, Freedom And Backpacking And (currently) Following Hayden On His Motorcycle Aro

S2E3: Facing Fears in Travel - Guy Earnshaw with 'A Cairns Adventure, A Coward's Surprise'



Nobody is born with enough experience to fight off the last living dinosaurs - or even a pigeon, for that matter. That experience can only come with age, but even age can not guarantee that a spider won’t make you scream as much as a saltwater crocodile will. Experience and wisdom come with time, but your mindset can make up for a lack of it all. Keeping a positive mindset while you are travelling and while you are snug at home means everything to how you influence your own experience of your world. Both your home world and your travel world can be your real world, with the right mindset. Our guest for this episode, Guy Earnshaw, brings to the table a couple of fun stories where he is confronted with a beast in the wild and did little more than shriek and run away. Guy and Hayden also talk to us about taking your travel mindset home with you and inspire yourself to stay positive, even when your boots are not on the ground somewhere far from home. Plus, Guy’s northern accent helps you pronounce “Cairns”, and h