Dr Pieter DeWet Live

Revolutionary Approach to Healing Eye Diseases



Listen to this show to learn more about extraordinary advances in healing eye diseases using integrative and natural approaches. During this show we will be discussing everything from macular degeneration to cataracts, retinopathies, glaucoma, corneal diseases, dry eyes, eye allergies, diabetic eye diseases. You will learn why so many people are developing eye problems these days and what can be done not only to stop them from getting worse, but how to literally turn eye diseases around, improve vision an give many people their lives back. We will be reviewing key nutrients critical for eye health, micro-current therapy, light and color therapy, bio-oxidative medicine, detox strategies critical for saving eye sight, the emotional conflicts behind eye diseases, laser eye therapies and more. Learn about a new program for reversing eye diseases that include all these strategies, now being offered to those who are really serious about improving their vision and saving their eye sight. To find out where you can a