Gary Glasscock, Mclc, Mslc

The Manifesting Your Life Radio Show



Although technically a motivational speaker, Rosanna E. Tufts prefers to think of herself as a “Catalytic Converter,” because she likes to be a catalyst for change in people’s lives – “and since catalytic converters are made with platinum, the title implies Wealth!” She earned an M.M. in Music History from Peabody Conservatory. A soprano, she’s had a long career in classical music and musical theatre, including roles like Cunegonde (Candide), Celia (Iolanthe), Josephine (HMS Pinafore), Adele (Die Fledermaus), Papagena (The Magic Flute), Lalume (Kismet), Amahl (Amahl and the Night Visitors), and the Rector (creating the role in According To Us, an original musical she co-wrote). She is also the composer of The Passion of Persephone, “the world’s first Bondage-and-Discipline Rock Opera. Rosanna also had a 12 –year career as a Certified Compensation Professional in Human Resources. When her husband proceeded to leap at (and fail at) almost every conceivable “business opportunity,” the result was her first book,